[[3]] Tall Girl (2019) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Aegee on 2019-09-15 13:15:16.



Aegee said:
The main character Jodi talks to several other female characters: her sister Harper, her best friend Fareeda, and her nemesis Kimmy. Most of the conversations with Kimmy are probably male-centered, but she talks to Fareeda about body issues and her lack of confidence in her body. She also talks to Harper about her dress, her pageants, and a few other things.

One conversation that undeniably passes is when Fareeda confronts Jodi in the bathroom after Kimmy prank calls Jodi. It's all about Fareeda telling Jodi to be confident in her body and who she is.
Message posted on 2019-09-15 13:15:16
Sunde disagreed with the rating and said:
I really, really, don't think that this movie is feminist or should have passed the test. Although it corresponds with the criteria, almost the whole movie is about Jodi trying to "get the guy". Her sister is always only talking to her about beauty, and her mother doesn't support her true passions at all. In fact, when Jodi says she wants to change her look and find a new outfit, her mom seems glad. Therefore, this movie is not quite the ideal "feminist movie" and makes a terrible example for young girls with unusual heights.
Message posted on 2020-04-10 01:27:31
ben said:
Sunde, the test isn't asking whether or not a movie is feminist...The test is asking whether a film meets the three requirements listed at the top.
Message posted on 2020-06-22 16:37:03
Bee said:
The rating is technically correct, but I feel that the Bechdel test is actually too broad to truly define the inclusivity of women.
Firstly, for this film, in which the central character is a woman and her storyline, the thumbnail on Netflix is the face of a guy. It may be only one of many thumbnails revolving on Netflix for this title, but really?
Secondly, yes, there were elements of self-love being promoted in the film, but mainly it was just once again the propagation of the idea that women only worry about looks and love.
I don't consider myself a hard core feminist, though I try to remain open to learning, but this film just struck me as terribly misrepresentative of women.
Shame on you Netflix.
Message posted on 2020-07-26 15:41:18
Marie Jaeger said:
this movie is anti-feminist for the reasons sunde mentioned PLUS: final scene, the boy standing on top of a box to appear taller than the girl he is kissing....as a 6 foot girl since 9th grade, that just broke my heart.
Message posted on 2020-09-08 08:38:20
Justin Chai disagreed with the rating and said:
Personally I don't fw tall women. I prefer my woman to be shorter than me (5' 6), so I can look down on her while she does her womanly duties. I personally have not met a woman that meets my (extremely high) standards. I talk to many women on the daily on discord, however all of them are short. They are all my kittens and therefore should submit to me, something they are less able to do if they are taller than I am. Anyways, back to the movie. Even though she was kind of hot, she was way too tall for me, and therefore the movie was not feminist to me. I would much prefer if the movie was about someone who was 5' 5 or so (my ideal height). I think its very important for actresses to be sexually appealing, or else what is the point of movies! In my opinion, this movie could have been much improved if the protagonist was a male spy like in Morbius. Morbius was an example of a really high quality movie where all the woman were short and submissive like they should be. If I could be any movie protagonist, I would be Morbius or maybe Joker from the movie The Joker. I relate a lot to the depressed slideshows I see on tiktok because no woman has yet met my standards. I wish I could find someone who looked like Harley Quinn, Joker from the movie The Joker's, girlfriend. She has pink and blue hair and is shorter than The Joker from the movie Joker. If I could find myself someone like Harley Quinn, maybe I would be happy.
Message posted on 2022-05-17 18:14:29

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