[[3]] The Greatest Showman (2017) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests (although dubious). It was entered by Richard on 2018-01-06 03:16:01.



Richard said:
There are certainly several prominent female characters, but I think the only time they interact at all is when Charity is playing with her young daughters, and they certainly don't say anything important, just cutesy mummy-child scene setting.

If the Bechdel test had a rule that the women had to be adults saying things relevant to the plot, I think this would fail.
Message posted on 2018-01-06 03:16:01
Sara said:
It does pass, but barely. Its mainly just charity's kids (I forgot their names) and they talk about unicorns and mermaids
Message posted on 2018-04-02 22:21:18
CJ said:
When Jenny Lind is introduced to Charity by PTB they have a brief conversation about her daughter's ballet. Plot advances as daughter then says she *is* doing ballet (now). Minor maybe but still qualifies, I think.
Message posted on 2018-06-03 22:19:44
Alex said:
Definitely passes, by the slimmest of margins. The albeit brief conversation between Jenny Lind and Helen Barnum at 0:53.25-28 passes:

Jenny: “And what about you, Helen?”
Helen: “You look like a princess, ma’am.”

There are other lines of dialogue between female characters but they are most often about a man (often PT Barnum) or are part of a conversation with a man (often PT Barnum). This was the cleanest conversation between two naked female characters that is not about a man that I could find. Definitely passes all three parts of the Bechdel test!
Message posted on 2023-07-07 05:39:20

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