[[3]] The Incredible Jessica James (2017) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Lina Zaproudi-Ellman on 2017-07-30 02:20:24.



Lina Zaproudi-Ellman said:
Despite being a romantic comedy, there are three key female leads who are preoccupied with their creative career and friendship with women and the film spends time on this, rather than just the interactions with men and the romantic connections in the film.
The ending confirms this bias (the heroine goes to London for a business trip and takes her female friends rather than her love interest)
Message posted on 2017-07-30 02:20:24
svaria said:
I agree and also it passes racial Bechdel test!
Message posted on 2018-01-20 00:50:26

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