[[3]] xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Kaitune on 2017-01-20 08:20:38.



Kaitune said:
This is a big dumb action movie in the same vein as the Fast and Furious franchise (although to a less successful degree.) Yes, it also features exploitive sex-sell shot of sexy ladies and pretty much most of the women fall for the Vin Diesel character.

HOWEVER, while it is a typical dick flick, it is surprisingly inclusive and female friendly for this kind of films. It has four main female characters with names, interests and their personal goals who talk quite a bit with each other about none dude related issues. They are all powerful in their own way, and none of them is just the chick/the lover. There are even female-bonding moments! Actually, now that I think about it, none of the named female characters have a sex scene. Plus, only one of them dresses sexily, and the audiences got a sense that it is her personal style (and it is still quite tame for dude flicks).

Overall, while the movie is still a male fantasy rather than a feminist statement (all the non bitchy and non lesbian women still fall for the main dude), it is good to see how action flicks are beginning to change.
Message posted on 2017-01-20 08:20:38
DRC said:
Something I have to if this is a "male fantasy" film and a "dick flick" then what is a "female fantasy" film and lets call it a "clit flick"? Yes, this is a silly, over the top action film, but does that somehow preclude the possibility that a woman should be able to enjoy it? There are two sex scenes in this film, both near the beginning, which involve Xander, I will however point out that as the central character you are likely going to see more of what happens to him than other characters, in the first scene there seems as if there was the possibility (though not explicitly stated) that it was a longer relationship than we see, and finally it was the females who were dominant in the second scene. I also think it is worth pointing out that both Donnie Yen and Vin Diesel were in several shots either in extremely tight on no tops mostly the latter than the former. Why is a scantily clad man considered just another shot but a woman with even more clothes on considered to be dressed for sex appeal? Now I can understand if this kind of film is not to a person's taste and therefore not as enjoyable, that is fair enough, but don't claim it is just a "male fantasy" film. By my count the four main female characters were ALL highly intelligent, skilled, and driven whereas the male characters I would say that only two were similarly intelligent, skilled, and driven (two more were more for comic relief and two were there to add a few more action pieces and to make the initial teams similarly comprised). Personally I do hope this series can branch out and have more entries, ones that center more around the various characters that have been assembled in this film and perhaps allow us to see such an action film from and the exploits (sexual or otherwise) of some of the female characters because I will have to say given the way she is portrayed and how the men interacted with her the character of Serena had about the same effect as Xander did. Now I am sure that something I had said may rub some people the wrong way, I do hope at least though that it makes you think and perhaps can let you answer to myself and many other mystified people a few key questions. First off What exactly would be a "Female Fantasy" Film by which I am assuming that the word power should be inserted and it is actually a "Male Power Fantasy" and "Female Power Fantasy". Second is, In general, how can we make and portray men as more sexual and provocative. I will tell you truthfully as someone who enjoys action movies I really don't give a damn if the main character is male or female just so long as they kick ass, look good while doing it, and at the end of the movie the good guys win and I will watch the hell out of Adele or Serena doing that and even give them a mental "Hell Ya" after them giving a "The things I do for my country" line (those who have seen this or the first movie will know what happens around the time of this line and I don't care the gender of who is the focus of that line just so long as there is the sense everyone had a good time and the main character has shined spectacularly). Me, I vote for "XXX: The Rise of Serena Unger" as she seemed to be set up as more than an equal of Xander's.
Message posted on 2017-02-09 04:34:26

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