[[0]] Passengers (2016) [imdb]

This movie passed 0 of 3 tests. It was entered by pib on 2016-12-26 20:43:37.



pib said:
There is only one named, speaking woman. Other female presences include AI, and Aurora's friends in a video, but no conversation takes place.
Message posted on 2016-12-26 20:43:37
Tysseract said:
This film has all of three human characters with speaking roles, so considering 1/3 of them are female and the test barely passes if applied to males, the Bechdel test really oughtn't apply here
Message posted on 2017-02-18 07:38:29
Aku said:
There was only one female character, she wasn't the main character, and was literally only in the movie so that the main character had something to put his dick into. Thats it.
Message posted on 2017-08-05 02:59:40
K-sar said:
It's nice to see on a website about equality someone limit a human being to his sex...
Anyway, this test can't be apply here, because it can't show equality for 2 sex with only 3 characters. No matter what.
Message posted on 2017-10-03 00:18:05
Julian Quijano said:
I see people arguing the rating is unfair because there are only 3 humans in this film... yet if the test is here to measure a trend, we can agree the test is useful to once again show us that when it come to choose a third character (the captain) they chose a male char and not a female char. Damn, even the bartender could have been a woman (even if an AI).

In the end these minor roles have been made male obviously so they couldn't interfere with the "love story", which was obviously told from the male perspective, to such a dubious extent that the film ended up being highly criticized by its ways.

Sorry if I come annoying... but I think it is quite OK the film failed the test. And please reflect on the subtext of complaining by saying that if the 3rd char was a female then the movie couldn't have passed an "anti-Bechdel test". That's just ludicrous and proves the point of running the Bechdel Test at all: people tend to assume male predominancy in films as the standard.
Message posted on 2017-12-16 00:30:06
Jahkari said:
By the guidelines of the test it fails just by only having 1 named female. Ya'll may not like it, but I applies.
Message posted on 2017-12-22 22:53:34
Anonymous disagreed with the rating and said:
Technically the AI that tells you where to go and stuff like that is a girl, the main character and that AI talked not about boys so boom.
Message posted on 2018-01-03 04:26:26
Sazzles said:
Arguably the AI is not gendered.
Message posted on 2019-09-22 03:43:18

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