[[1]] Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) [imdb]

This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by Raikaiko on 2016-08-24 20:55:56.



Raikaiko said:
Kubo and the Two Strings passes the Mo Movie Rule version of the Bechdel Test, but not the revised version used on this site. There are multiple named female characters, thought some are only named in the credits or in the script such as Kubo's mother Saritu, but at least two of these characters are named on screen, Monkey and Minae, the daughter of George Takei's character.
There is a long conversation between two of the women in the film, during one of the films action sequences. A character falling in love with a man is briefly brought up, but entirely in the context of the female character and her arc, and there is enough conversation preceding this that the conversation would still stand as a conversation if that bit where removed. What keeps this conversation from passing the test is that it is between a named character, Monkey, and one of the two Sisters who are given no names beyond that title
Message posted on 2016-08-24 20:55:56
Sanjay disagreed with the rating and said:
This is one of those instances where I think holding the fact that a woman is only known by her title runs counter to the spirit of the rule. I always understood that rule to avoid arbitrarily passing a movie because a woman orders coffee from an unnamed barista.

It's not as clear cut as, say Dame Judy Dench's turn as M in the James Bond franchise, but if the Moon King, the film's Big Bad, is only ever known by his title, holding that against his daughter seems petty. (Plus, since, as a toy, Monkey was called Mr. Monkey, I think it's fair to call that a name, if an unimaginative one.)

However, I also question that the conversation during the duel on the ship counts as "about something other than a man". The conversation centers around Kubo's mother, but specifically her "betrayal" of her father, marriage to her husband, and protection of her son (and the effect those things had on herself and her sisters).
Message posted on 2016-08-30 23:19:55
Jen said:
There is plenty of conversation between Monkey and the Sisters, solely about who of them has the strongest magic and most fighting prowess. If only the Sisters had been named! The handful of other female characters don't speak to each other or, at best, one speaks to another but the other doesn't speak back (e.g. the spirits of the departed).
Message posted on 2016-09-06 06:54:11
Powers disagreed with the rating and said:
The fact that the Sisters' names are unknown doesn't keep them from qualifying for the Test, IMO. They are primary characters who are identified by the protagonists and have specific character traits and motivations. It meets the spirit of the Test, if not the Letter.
Message posted on 2017-05-11 14:19:44
Drew disagreed with the rating and said:
The sisters are not extras in this film, they're major roles.

The namelessness is world building, not a signal that the characters are minor extras.

Monkey and Sister's extended conversation covers many topics- but they downplay the role of men in the story (there's much talk of 'power' and 'love' and even 'family' as well as Monkey's choice).
Message posted on 2018-02-01 23:03:26
Drew Olds disagreed with the rating and said:
The Sisters have as much name as Monkey, Beetle and Moon King.
Message posted on 2018-02-01 23:29:21
Drew Olds disagreed with the rating and said:
Me again.

One thing about the conversation between the Sister and Monkey, it feels like it was written by someone with the test in mind (not the website's version).

It would have been very easy to frame their conversation and fight as a proxy battle between the Moon King and Hanzo.

Instead, the conversation emphasizes Monkey's choices, and Sister's sense of personal betrayal.

They talk about love instead of talking about Hanzo.

They talk about family and loyalty, all the while emphasizing agency of Monkey.

And just because those parts still have narrative references to men, they talk about killing giant monsters and magic.

So this is clearly a case where the test fails the movie, rather than the other way around.

When so many films can pass 3/3 for an inconsequential aside it seems like the extended grudge match between two of the film's six active characters should count for something.

This film is a simple 3/3 pass if we accept that central characters don't need to be named in order to have a pass (We've given this allowance for The Breakfast Club, Rebecca and the 1899 Cinderella, and for some reason Sing and The Princess Bride).
Message posted on 2018-02-27 18:44:14
Azul disagreed with the rating and said:
"There is plenty of conversation between Monkey and the Sisters, solely about who of them has the strongest magic and most fighting prowess."
"The Sisters have as much name as Monkey, Beetle and Moon King."
"[...] this is clearly a case where the test fails the movie, rather than the other way around.
"This film is a simple 3/3 pass if we accept that central characters don't need to be named in order to have a pass."
I completely agree to all that. I fail to see how the movie doesn't pass the test.
Message posted on 2018-04-21 11:36:50
Drew Olds disagreed with the rating and said:
I find it particularly frustrating that this film is listed as a failure when other films with the same failings are counted as passing.

In quite a few films, this website has counted central characters who are not named for passing the test.

A few examples: Moana, Sing, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Unnamed characters are counted for the test (and in Sing, the unnamed mother needed for the pass is a really marginal character).

Kubo is a very clear 3/3 pass, except that more than half of the central characters do not have names.

This website has shown that it can consider the art involved when considering the test.

I worry that the only reason why Kubo doesn't receive as much leniency as Snow White or Sing is that it has a male central protagonist. I feel that the test should not be applied differently simply because it has a male protagonist.
Message posted on 2018-11-29 18:36:47
Paraponzi disagreed with the rating and said:
I agree with what everyone said above. In a movie where the beetle warrior is named Beetle and the monkey is named Monkey (which by the way the acknowledge at one point joking that Kubo should be called Boy), and those are central characters, we can surely count the Sisters in - in which case the movie passes 3/3.
Message posted on 2020-05-05 07:04:40

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