[[2]] Papertowns (2015) [imdb]

This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by pulpfreeoj on 2015-08-03 15:20:36.



pulpfreeoj said:
This movie is absolutely driven by the idea that the boy has to find the love of his life who has "ran away." There are minor female characters and one "main" character. The female characters have insignificant lines to the plot and when they do talk, it's about the males they are with.
Message posted on 2015-08-03 15:20:36
Risforreptile said:
The few female characters do talk to each other in the movie a few times. One scene in particular is during the road trip when Angela and Lacey place a bet to see how fast Radar tells he lost his virginity. It deserves a 2 out of 3
Message posted on 2015-08-13 03:28:18
Sarah said:
@risforreptile Lacey and Angela making a bet about Radar is them talking about a boy, so it definitely doesn't pass 3/3 but I agree, 2/3.

Disappointing, really. It wouldn't have taken much for this to pass.
Message posted on 2015-08-18 08:17:26
ieroprince said:
But as you said, they talked about a man, not to mention the fact that is was kind of a sexual-based conversation.
Message posted on 2015-08-20 22:39:00
Liv said:
Disagree with the user above who disagrees. If Lacey and Angela placed a bet on when Radar would tell his friends about his lost virginity, then they are discussing a man, which means it doesn't pass the bechdel test.
Message posted on 2015-08-25 04:07:00
Ingvild said:
Very disappointing that it doesn't pass, as it would have been extremely easy, and as the canon (that is, the book it's based on) does pass the test.
Message posted on 2015-10-19 17:34:58
Cla said:
2 of 3 makes more sense, Angela and lacy do speak.

Its disappointing as I'm fairly certain the book would have passed.

In the book Angela and Lacey also see Margo at the end, and Margo makes a phone call to her parents and sister.
Message posted on 2015-12-15 14:43:07
neil (webmaster) said:
I've updated the rating from 1/3 to 2/3.
Message posted on 2015-12-20 22:05:46
addie said:
Not sure why this shows up as Papertowns on here. It's Paper Towns. 2 words.
Message posted on 2016-06-14 07:20:38

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