[[3]] Inside Out (2015) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Matthew on 2015-05-20 04:14:38.



Matthew said:
Although the movie itself has not yet been released, various sneak peeks from it can be found on Pixar's official facebook page.

From one of those sneak peeks, Joy and Sadness talk about getting lost in the long term memory chamber. They talk about each other and the long term memories, but not about a man.
Message posted on 2015-05-20 04:14:38
christy said:
This movie passes the Bechdel test, but is a reminder that the Bechdel test is NOT a test of whether a movie is feminist. It features pretty much every American stereotype. After taking 3 of my kids to see it, I asked them what about the movie might have been different had the main character been a boy and not a girl. Among their answers: his brain probably wouldn't have been brightly decorated in pinks and purples, the cogs in his brain's machinery wouldn't have looked like little flowers, his imagination wouldn't have been based on food and unicorns, he probably wouldn't have had any emotions represented by female actors (Joy, Disgust, Sadness would have been male), and his school and parents would likely have been less understanding about his behavior (crying at school?!). We talked about how the snapshot of the pre-teen boy's brain that we get to see near the end of the movie was confusing. My boys said the character looked nerdy, but inside his head it was black, red and messy, with loud music and running around. The saddest part might be how pigeon-holed the parents are. Mom is obsessed with a Brazilian bohunk from some commercial, silently resenting her husband who thinks about sports and what his wife might be mad at him about ("Did I leave the toilet seat up?"). If these are supposed to be role models for what healthy adult emotions look like, we have a long way to go. My 9yo daughter enjoyed the movie. I'm curious what she thinks 5 or 10 years from now. It passed the Bechdel test, but it could have done so much more.
Message posted on 2015-06-20 23:36:20
god said:
This film completely breaks stereotypes. If you want to nitpick the comedy of it, that's fine. The main character is a girl who plays hockey, and it's a running theme throughout the movie.
Message posted on 2015-07-01 15:44:03
Daniel said:
I think it's great that you're having these conversations with your kids, but honestly I think you missed a lot of the point of the movie by creating an alternate version that's not even real. You're forgetting that Riley enjoys hockey- busting the stereotype of girls not being good at sports- and while her mind was brightly coloured, I think that has more to do with making it engaging above making it feminine. As for the male character at the end- that was clearly a joke about a young boy being struck dumb by the presence of a girl. Stereotypical, sure, but not harmful. You're also neglecting that by the end the parent's emotions are at piece with each other, and have forgotten about the helicopter pilot.
Basically, somewhat stereotypical: yes, sexist: no way.
Message posted on 2015-07-04 13:57:08
Victor said:
Christy, taking place in the real world, and as a result including characters who have been pressured and molded by the same external factors that pressure and mold real people, does not make a movie or character anti-feminist. Real people don't conform to everything or rebel against everything, so either extreme would be absurd here. Rather, we have a main character who, like many real young women, both conforms and rebels in her own ways, enjoying both many feminine things and many masculine things. I absolutely think that this film was feminist-friendly, because I don't think that the only way for a film to be feminist-friendly is to only portray absolutely ideal scenarios and character interactions rather than portraying the real world.
Message posted on 2015-07-18 04:55:15
Carol said:
A girl who loves playing hockey, gets moody and angry and everything else, my daughters loved it. They didn't see why broccoli pizza was so disgusting (they love broccoli) so that is a stereotype, but if it hadn't been then most of the movie goers would not have understood it. My daughter loves pink, she also loves dinosaurs, rugby and scifi. Feminism is about being free to choose, not about telling her pink is bad.
Message posted on 2015-07-30 15:25:47
DanielleinDC said:
Of course it passes. Isn't there also a part where Riley talks with her friend (who is also named) about the team back in Minnesota? And while they play emotions, the female characters Joy, Sadness, and Disgust do talk to each other and not just about boys.

And as other commenters have said, why can't a girl love pretty colors and love to play hockey?
Message posted on 2015-08-30 03:58:28
Mashka said:
Christy, you might want to double-check the meaning of the word "bohunk" -- it's an ethnic slur. The Brazilian helicopter pilot is a two-second joke, not a running obsession. And we only see the boy's brain for a few seconds at the end when he's incredibly rattled -- if Riley were in a similar situation there's no reason to think her brain would look different. The movie is fantastic.
Message posted on 2015-11-05 06:13:24
Mashka said:
A note to admins: it's fine if you don't post my comment but you might want to let "christy" know that "bohunk" is an ethnic slur or at least add a note to that effect.
Message posted on 2015-11-10 06:12:57
S said:
Does it satisfy the opposite Bechdel test? That is, are there two named men who talk about something besides a woman? Maybe fear and anger talks, but that would probably be about Riley, and what they want her to do.
Message posted on 2015-12-02 22:18:35
Darren said:
I think this film is absolutely fantastic, but I will say that they used that dinner scene as the trailer for this film, and I didn't go see it for quite some time based on the lame/insulting gender stereotypes of the parents in that scene. Which would have been a terrible shame because outside of that scene, the film does pretty amazing things. I don't at all think it's not a feminist film, so much as being a feminist film doesn't mean it's going to get everything gender related right.

I do think it is worthwhile to note as christy said above if this had have been made about a boy main character, there likely wouldn't have been any female emotions. Which isn't a criticism of this film at all, so much as of the industry.
Message posted on 2015-12-23 03:43:14
Richard said:
I was a little perplexed as to why Anger and Fear were male in Riley's head, whereas everyone else in the film had a full compliment of gender-appropriate emotion characters.

But apart from that, yes it's a fantastic film, and passes the Bechdel test with flying colours.
Message posted on 2016-03-31 20:40:23
anna said:
I counted a few and there may be more that I don't remember.
1. Riley and her mom talk often.
2. Riley and her new teacher. (not sure if this counts)
3. Joy, Sadness, and Disgust talk to each other.
4. Riley and her old friend Meg.
Message posted on 2017-05-20 15:13:01
you all are gay poopy heads disagreed with the rating and said:
you guys are really inmature for posting on a femenzi forum commuism will retutn
Message posted on 2017-09-06 20:40:07

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