[[3]] Save Yourselves! (2020) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests (although dubious). It was entered by Adrienne on 2022-01-06 08:03:31.



Adrienne said:
The movie revolves around Jack and Su, a couple who decide to disconnect from others for a week, which happens to coincide with an extraterrestrial invasion of Earth. For this reason, most of the dialog is just between Jack and Su, with precious few lines spoken by others.

One specific encounter involves Su and a woman named Judy. However, Judy's name is unspoken... we only know it because she's wearing a nametag from work. For this reason, I believe it passes the test, although dubiously.
Message posted on 2022-01-06 08:03:31
mat said:
I haven't seen this film but the fact the name features on a nametag doesn't make it doubtful - as long as the name occurs inside the film (and not merely in the credits) it's legitimate. ("La chute de l'empire américain" is another example of this.) I'm presuming the conversation between Su and Judy isn't about Jack!
Message posted on 2023-10-16 07:24:20

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